Store your electricity

Are you looking for a reliable, efficient and secure storage solution? Choose Storbox for a successful energy project.

A solution designed to...

Pictogramme Producteur d'électricité ou Développeur de projet d'énergies renouvelablesElectricity Producer
Renewable Energy Project Developer

Pictogramme Développeur de projet de stockageStorage Product Developer

Pictogramme Entreprise industrielle ou tertiaireIndustrial or Tertiary Business

Pictogramme Gestionnaire de réseau ou Responsable d'équilibreNetwork Manager
Balance Responsible Entity

Visuel 3D représentant le système de stockage développé par Agregio Solutions intégrant : container de stockage et MV Skid (système de conversion de puissance, transformateur et cellules de protection)

Store your electricity with a safe and effective solution

Developed for industrial or service businesses, grid managers, electricity producers or renewable energy or storage product developers situated in France or overseas, Storbox is a Battery Energy Storage Solution (BESS) that allows you to achieve your most ambitious goals.

Developed by a team of energy storage experts, it allows you to maximize the potential of your activities and offers you a secure investment as part of your energy projects.

Download the product sheet

A solution adapted
to your objectives

Composed of equipment that guarantees the safety of your installations, StorBox is an integrated and modular energy storage solution that can be adapted to your needs and objectives, allowing you to take full advantage of your site’s potential for flexibility. StorBox features a high level of security and meets the quality and safety standards required by the sector.

Choosing our StorBox electricity storage solution means having complete control over the deployment of your project thanks to the range of included services: the study and sizing of your energy project, supply and commissioning of stationary storage systems, and operations and maintenance.

Our support

Our teams will work with you throughout your project to define the battery energy storage solution best suited to your needs, deploy it, and operate it in an optimal manner.

In addition to the performance and availability of our storage solution, we can provide the required preventive maintenance and necessary corrective actions to ensure the smooth operation and efficiency of your storage facilities throughout the life of your project.

Our solutions,
the benefits for you

Integrated expertise

Since 2018, we have been occupying a space at the heart of the Concept Grid, a place, unique in Europe, located on the site of the EDF Lab Les Renardières in the Paris region, to develop our solutions while benefiting from the knowledge of storage experts, particularly in terms of fire safety.

At Agregio Solutions, we devote a significant portion of our resources to innovation to improve our services and facilitate our customers’ experience. Our innovation spans over multiple areas, from research into new storage system architectures, to methods for optimizing and forecasting variable renewable energy, to new software features. These research and innovation projects are carried out using the resources of the EDF Power NetWork Lab.

Get the best out of renewable energy

With Agregio Solutions’ energy storage solutions, you become a proactive participant in the energy transition and enhance the flexibility of your storage assets while reducing your carbon footprint — solutions and outcomes that bring value to your brand image.

Contact our team

Need to know more about our solutions and commercial offer ?
Our team is at your disposal to guide you and define project.

Our support
over the life of your project


The design of your Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) – StorBox

  • a project study,
  • providing technical and economic indicators for decision support.


Providing a solution adapted to your needs

  • design of the optimal storage system (battery, power conversion, container, control software),
  • delivery of the solution to your site (in France or abroad).


Installation, deployment and maintenance

  • installation, configuration and on-site testing,
  • Ccommissioning,
  • operator training,
  • preventive and corrective maintenance: analysis, diagnosis and correction in case of anomalies,
  • remote 24-hour monitoring,
  • warranty management,
  • data analysis and monthly reporting,
  • upgradeable maintenance: updates and continuous improvements of the solution.

Use cases

  • Multi-market valorization (primary and secondary reserves, spot, etc.)
  • Load reduction
  • Self-consumption
  • Peak-shaving
  • Price arbitration
  • Supply-demand balance
  • Production Plan guarantee

Contact our team

Need to know more about our solutions and commercial offer ?
Our team is at your disposal to guide you and define project.

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EMS, our stand-alone intelligent energy management solution for managing and optimizing your entire site.

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